
July 2021
Storytelling, Animation

This short animated film revolves around the character of Beatrice, an all powerful matriarch of this fictional matriarchal world. Beatrice has two frontal limbs that she uses to steer through this great black expanse and a pair of dorsal fins that assist in propelling her through this pointillist world. Her almost purple, glistening skin matches her sparkly environment and a tough white underside makes her stand apart from her environment. She is a majestic creature that swims with the grace and tranquil of a sea wave on a calm summer’s day. Her movements are subtle but impactful and her turns gentle but decisive.   Etymologically, one might also call her a whale. Her torpedo like body with a pair of large barnacled paddles and a pair of dorsal fins resemble that of a whale, though the resemblances are not merely for visual inspiration of a behemoth. It is about paying homage to this beautiful creature that has always fascinated and intrigued us. Humankind has had a turbulent history with whales. We almost hunted them to extinction in the 80s, and for what, meat and pet food? A significant amount of the ‘whaling’ can also be attributed to fisheries’ misguided efforts towards reducing the competition for their catch. Whaling has reduced greatly, thanks to a co-operative global effort towards banning the hunting of these creatures. Despite this, whales continue to be hunted in the thousands every year. In my opinion, it is downright disrespectful towards these creatures that could squash us like ants if they wanted to.

I started this project right after finishing my undergrad in July. I had a month between having completed my Bachelor’s in Product Design and coming to San Francisco. Having completed my degree, I was somewhat dissatisfied with the work that I had done. I felt like a Jack of all Trades especially since I had started exploring animation, film and continued to pursue my interests in music. So I took this project up to get better at what I was doing. I wanted to improve my skills and gain a deeper understanding of the software that I was using. It started with this but it turned into a month long project exploring all of these themes. The primary purpose of this project was to prove to myself that I was capable. It helped me a lot with my confidence.

 I have always been drawn towards things that are not based in reality. I have always looked at music as a form of escape and I know that other people do that too. My attachment to these forms of escapism seems more like a necessity than a desire. I started this project, Beatrice, when I had nothing else to do. But I did not have a desire to start this project. I never knew what this project was going to be. But it felt like I needed to start this project and explore all of these ideas. I often tell myself that every extra project that I take up- ones that don’t contribute towards my generic online portfolio I do to keep myself on the right track. It helps me organize my thoughts and translate them through these projects no matter how far fetched or abstract these connections might feel.